sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

Career-related Article

Hi , Hi, Hi! Today will wirte about of ArcGis, a System of Geographic Information
ArcGis is very important for Geographers, your can create shapes of information, and with they work with differents objetives, until realize a cartographic.

ArcGis is part of Geographic Information System (GIS or SIG),  joined to ArcMap and ArcCatalog are a tools very valued for specialists in the use of data. Think that exist two problems or details of Arcgis one is the licences and your value. it's very expensives, but is part of buy intellectual property, and for other part with frequency leave a new version 9.3, 10.1, etc. Then when a project is not compatible if you want to open on another computer with another version.

Despite this Arcgis is a program with infinite qualities, that facilitate the knowledge and analysis of the territory. For me is fundamental can make visible through a cartography, a series of numbers. Is the magic of ArcGis!.

I hope they keep coming out programs to help facilitate spatial interpretation geographers and that it can be read by everyone in the same way, giving the world a little of our knowledge
Down a of my first cartographys realized in my career.

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